Torgeist was a black metal band formed in 1992 in Martignas-sur-Jalle, Aquitaine. The band belonged to the Black Legions (Les Légions Noires) along with Mütiilation, Bèlkètre, Vlad Tepes, Brenoritvrezorkre, and so on. Torgeist means "Gate Spirit" in German.
Torgeist - Devoted to Satan
(from the demo 'Devoted to Satan' 1994)Torgeist
Lord Beleth'Rim - Guitar, Vocals (Amaka Hahina, Hellraper, Torture (Fra), Vermeth)
Vordb Bathor Ecsed - Bass (Black Murder, Brenoritvrezorkre, Dzlvarv, Moëvöt, Susvourtre, Vzaeurvbtre, Zelda, Dvnaèbkre, Chambre Noir, Bèlkètre)
Lord Aäkon Këëtrëh - Guitars (Bèlkètre, Dzlvarv)
A Dark Soul - Drums
(past members)
Dark - Guitar
Gargoyle - Drums
1994 Rehearsal Demo, 1994
Devoted to Satan Demo, 1994
Time of Sabbath Demo, 1995
Black Legions Metal Split, 1996
Torgeist - Flame of Hate
(from the split 'Torgeist / Vlad Tepes - Black Legions Metal' Drakkar Productions 1996)
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keskiviikko 26. toukokuuta 2010
Lähettänyt About BM & DM underground movement. klo 16.57