KMC: First of all, tell me about the beginning. When, where and how was Lord Of Pagathorn born?
C: Lord Of Pagathorn crawled out from its decayed coffin in 1992. The snow covered place was the same where Beherit and Black Crucifixion were born.
KMC: The lineup was different in the beginning, am I right?
C: At the beginning the band consisted of two members.
KMC: And the lineup is now...?
C: Now Lord Of Pagathorn consists of three individual persons.
KMC: Lord Of Pagathorn, the name, what does it mean?
C: Lord Of Pagathorn.
KMC: What drew you into playing Black Metal?
C: Left hand path. Also bands suchs as Venom, Hell Hammer, Bathory etc. has something to do with it.
Lord of Pagathorn - The Chaos Spirit Among Us I
(Taken from 'The Chaos Spirit Among Us' Demo 1994)
KMC: I'm pretty sure you have heard this question before, but 15 years of silence (between 1994 - 2010). Why? What happened?
C: There was 16 years of silence but I have been personally doing the songs for Lord Of Pagathorn few years before we recorded “MSILIHPORCEN” demo. Sometimes things take a time.KMC: What made the band return?
C: Three unholy spirits were gathered in rehearsal dungeon 2010 A.S.
KMC: Did Lord Of Pagathorn ever play live?
C: No.
KMC: What about the future, will you do live shows in the future?
C: You never know, maybe when the time is right.
KMC: What is the next step for Lord Of Pagathorn?
C: Next step is to record full length album entitled as “Nekros Philia”.
CHAPTER IIKMC: 'The Chaos Spirit Among Us' Demo was released 1994. What kind of response did the demo get?
C: Back then it got good response and interest in black metal underground. And as you know in that time there wasn´t so many black metal bands in Finland.
KMC: Did you made many copies of the tape?
C: Something about 250 copies.
KMC: Did you try to offer (send) the demo to many labels? Any response?
C: Yes, we sent the tape to few labels and there were also labels which were interested in Lord Of Pagathorn.
Lord Of Pagathorn - The Chaos Spirit Among Us II
(Taken from 'The Chaos Spirit Among Us' Demo 1994)
KMC: What is your thoughts about 'The Chaos Spirit Among Us' Demo today, meaning, how does it sound to your ears nowadays?
C: In my opinion it is really great demo and it still sounds killer. Grievantee is going to release that demo as 7” vinyl.
KMC: 'Msilihporcen' demo was released 2010. When I listen to the demo “MSILIHPORCEN”, I'm hearing influences from acts such as Dissection, Marduk and maybe a bit of Watain. Am I hearing the right influences?
C: No. Maybe you get that Dissection influences from acoustic guitar parts? I think we sound ourself, Lord Of Pagathorn.
KMC: How were 'Msilihporcen' recording sessions? Hard? Long? Painfull?
C: Hard because lots of unwanted things happened and it looked like bad luck continued when we tried to record something. Also at this moment we cannot rehearse because our drummer broke his fingers so we have to wait.
(Taken from 'Msilihporcen' Demo 2010)
KMC: The Lyricals side. What is the story inside of 'Msilihporcen'?
C: “MSILIHPORCEN” lyrics are taken from “Nekros Philia” theme album which we are going to record next. Maybe you can get the idea about the lyrical side from the album title.
KMC: What about the next Lord Of Pagathorn release? Another demo or...?
C: Next release is new 7” vinyl which we have just recorded.
KMC: What does Black Metal mean to you?
C: Very great and strong form of dark art.
KMC: What is the thing you love & hate in modern nowadays Black Metal?
C: Not interested.
Lord Of Pagathorn - Chapter II
(Taken from 'Msilihporcen' Demo 2010)
KMC: Favorite BM acts/albums from Finland at the moment?
C: Archgoat (all), Behexen (all), Goatmoon (Varjot!), Phlegein (7” & 10”), Azazel (split lp).
KMC: What does Satanism mean to you?
C: Ideology is everyone’s own business.
KMC: What does christianity mean to you?
C: Nothing.
KMC: What does Lord Of Pagathorn mean to you?
C: Everything.
KMC: Thank you for the interview. Keep up the devil's work.
C: Thank you for the interview and your interest about Lord Of Pagathorn.